

Apple Script

Apple Script Others

Aretha Website

Apple Script Others

Apple Directions Feb 95 - Hypercard
HyperCard Alive and Well . The Tool of Many Users . By David Gleason . The message of this article can be expressed concisely: HyperCard is alive and well, and for you as a developer, this is very good news. Let me explain. As a ...

Applescript Links
Last updated 1st May 1995 . This page under construction . Links to AppleScript stuff . FileMaker & AppleScript . How they work together . Addon products . 3rd party programs, books, videos etc. Anything and everything that may ...

Applescripts To Run With Webstat

Applescripts run in conjunction with WebStat . This first applescript runs before Webstat, suspending logging (allowing WebStat to read the log file), and refusing connections, so there aren't any non-logged connections. . -------...

Bio's Personal Page
Right now I'm a post-doc in Barbara Baker's lab at the Plant Gene Expression Center, Albany, CA, USA. I've made a science page describing some of this recent work, including : . T-DNA vectors for insertional mutagenesis . Mapped Dslox ...

Clip2gif Home Page
This page has been accessed times since this counter exists. . clip2gif 0.3 won an Honorable Mention at the 1995 MacUser Shareware Awards. . clip2gif is a freeware utility to convert PICTs, GIFs and JPEGs to any of these formats, written by Yves ...

Dave: The Pagemaker To Html Conversion Utility
News! . Work on a non-AppleScript version of Dave has begun. Please try out 1.0 and let me know what you like and don't like. What would be your ideal PageMaker -> HTML converter? The new Dave promises to faster, easier to use, and have more ...

David Papay's Home Page
David Papay . Welcome to my home page. I'm a 30 year old software engineer with GTE Government Systems Corp. I work primarily with the Ada programming language. For fun (and when time permits), I dabble in AppleScript and HyperCard. I don't do ...

Duke Of Url
The current version is Duke of URL, version 1.0 . This is where you can get the latest version of the Duke of URL. . Frequently Asked Questions . Read the FAQ (under construction) . System Requirements for Duke of URL: . Macintosh that ...

Dynamic Languages For The Mac
What are some dynamic languages for the Macintosh? . Here's a MacWeek article (13-Mar-95) about dynamic languages. . Scripting and Multimedia languages . Scott Lawton's Scripting Web Page - with pointers to lots of other resources for ...
Eric Iverson's Applescript Page

Eric's AppleScript hacks & more! . Browse the MacScript Mailing List using your web browser. Or see my Links to other AppleScript stuff where you can start learning all about AppleScript, get your AppleScript questions answered, or get your ...

Explanation Of Live Tv Page
How the What I'm watching on TV Page Works. . About My Computer . Let me start off by saying that I have a PowerPC 8100/80AV. Yes it's a Macintosh for all you non-believers. Let me also say that any of you who have AV (Audio/Video) ...

Flypaper Home Page
Flypaper . "Now THIS is even COOLer!" . Flypaper provides a link between anchors on your web pages and AppleScript scripts residing on your Macintosh. In short, click on a specific link on a web page and Flypaper will execute the corresponding ...

Heizer Software Home Page
We have been publishing Macintosh software since 1984. Our products are focused on solution tools such as HyperCard, SuperCard, and AppleScript. We also produce a free newsletter, Developer News, which is distributed to our customers. We hope that ...

Hire Roger
Roger Caplan . Campus Address . 137 E.Gorham #5 . Madison, WI. 53703 . (608) 251-2849 (home) . (608) 263-0565 (work) . Permanent Address . 480 N.Baldwin st. . Madison, WI. 53703 . (608) 256-5350 . email: . ...

How I Made My First Map
How I made my maps using MacHTTP (Version 1.2.3) . (Note: Our WWW server has since moved to a "dedicated" Unix machine (HP 9000/433), and I make no guarantee that these scripts will work without modifications on the present release of MacHTTP. ...

Html-hypereditor V 1.1 Manual
Lars-Olof Albertson . Lunds universitet . September 1995 . Allmant . Vad kan programmet? . Installering . Installningar . Preferences . Installning av server och user for ftp . Installning av www Home Folder . Hamta in och spara filer . ...

Interesting Places
Cool Web Stuff . Dr. Fun or latest image. . What's New . MacHTTP Home Page . UTHSCH Web Server . HTML and URL References . FTP Sites . Sumex U-Mich Apple NCSA Newton AppleScript Eudora NewsWatcher InterConn Telebit . .

Kcounter V.1.0
(C)1995 by Ken Burcham, University of Utah . What KCounter is: . KCounter is a script written in the Applescript Scripting Language for the Macintosh. It was created for MacHTTP v.2.2, but I imagine that it would work fine with WebStar by ...

Kevin's Little Corner Of The Web
Hey kids! . This page is home to the brand-spankin' new Mail-a-Form CGI!. . Mail-a-Form CGI is an AppleScript application that makes the task of processing form data much easier for MacHTTP / WebStar servers. Best of all, the end user ...

Language Interactive Archive
Language Interactive: ARCHIVE . Web Forms and CGI Scripts for Language Learning . This archive provides sample Web forms and CGI scripts (mostly Mac). Please send additions, corrections & suggestions; particularly if you have sample forms to ...

Ldo's Software
Software that I've released on the net . "The days of the solitary hacker are long past. While this reclusive species is still spotted in the wilderness of academia and shareware, today's commercial engineers roam the virtual plains in herds, ...

Machttp Home Page
This is a test to see how a Mac works as a web server. . This server is running on a Quadra 800 with 16 megs of RAM. MacHTTP will run on anything greater than an SE, and only takes 512k of RAM. . I wrote a program that links to a 4D ...

Machttp Home Page
URL Examples . The following link demonstrates how to access files in other directories. Note! MacHTTP expects to find all of its files in the same folder where the application resides, or sub-folders within the application folder. Remember ...

Machttp Home Page
This page contains the latest announcements, examples, and software updates for MacHTTP. Check here often. . "How To" Documents . Click here to browse several tutorial documents on how to create maps, forms, and serve Quicktime movies. . URL ...

Machttp Information
Some Information about MacHTTP is here . Click here to read MacHTTP documentation. (Do this first!!!) . Click here for the official MacHTTP home page. . URL Examples . The following link demonstrates how to access files in other directories. ...

Machttp Read Me
Current version is 1.3, 4/28/94 . MacHTTP World Wide Web Server for Macintosh . Table of Contents . 1.0 Introduction . What is it? . What's new? . 2.0 Installing MacHTTP . System Requirements . Installing MacHTTP . Installing ...

Macintosh Netscape Remote Control Documentation
Netscape API for the Macintosh . Send your comments to mailing list. If you would like to subscribe to this mailing list, mail with the subject line "subscibe " . Netscape uses ...

Macintosh Programming: Printed Resources

Apple . Inside MacintoshNew Inside Macintosh . Includes AppleScript books and QuickDraw GX library. . Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines (Also available on-line . The key to "Making it Macintosh". . (See also Electronic Guide to ...

Macpgp And Applescript Faq
FAQ - AppleScript and MacPGP . The easy route to Pretty Good Privacy: . Public-key encryption for the masses . THIS FAQ IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION: PLEASE BEAR WITH ME ;-) . Greetings fellow Macintosh users, . MacPGP by itself ...

mailing list. This is a list for all who are interested and using AppleScript, Userland Frontier ("Aretha") or other scripting environment for the Macintosh. . Macintosh Scripting FAQ . The public release of Frontier ("Aretha") . Subscribing to ...

Mactech Magazine's Urls
from the August 1995 issue . (here are the previous month's pages). . ANNOUNCING . The MacTech URLs page has grown into a full fledge web site. This new site officially launches on August 1, 1995, but you can see it now. It contains some ...

Macwww - Cgi Applications
Macintosh WWW Information . CGI Applications . CGI applications are the real meat of your WWW server. They provide all of the spiffy features that aren't worth adding to the server because not everyone wants them (and also because it breaks ...

Marty's Makatoa
Msw To Html V1.5
Limited Time Offer! -- Act NOW! . An AppleScript application to convert MicroSoft Word 6.0 documents to HTML. See archived READ ME for details on installation, execution and purchasing. . This program is not freeware. It is shareware. See the ...

Osa=open Scripting Architecture One Of Apple's Con
The AppleScript archive at has information on AppleScript and other OSA languages and extensions. [ There is an OSA compliant Mac port of Tcl called 'tickle' in that archive. ] is gzip compressed postscript of the ...

Other Webstar-related Www Sites
This is a brief list of sites containing information that may be useful if you are setting up a WebSTAR server. . WWW Sites . WebSTAR Registry - A page of links to major Internet sites running WebSTAR (formerly MacHTTP) . Web 66 - A ...

Product List
Last update 1st May 1995 . This page under construction . This is a list of products that add capabilities to FileMaker Pro including AppleScript-able applications that can be integrated with FileMaker Pro. . If a review of a product is available ...

Program List
Getting My Programs . Contact Information . How To Register . FTPd 3.0.0 . Anarchie 1.6.0 . ObiWan 5.0.2 . Internet Config 1.1.0 . SOCKS 1.0.1 . Assimilator 1.0.0 . Script Daemon 1.0.1 . Finger 1.5.0 . MacTCP Watcher 1.1.2 . ScriptLink ...

Scripting Glossary
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . AETE . Apple Event Terminology Resource; contains the low-level information for the AppleScript Dictionary. . Apple Event . Used for communication between applications (and other ...

? . ScriptLink offers a powerful facility for Newton applications to control Macintosh based applications via AppleScript. The ScriptLink Server is a Macintosh application which executes AppleScript as sent over an AppleTalk network by the Newton ...

This virtual site is a collaborative effort to provide a single source of information for Macintosh scripting, primarily for AppleScript and Frontier. . ScriptWeb . About ScriptWeb... . What's New? . Feedback . General Scripting Info . ...

: A Virtual Web Site Devoted To Macintosh Scripting (this Is The Site That Was Prematurely Announced Here).

Shareware Cgi's
You are the . person to access this page. . This page contains scripts that I have written in C for Unix based httpd servers and AppleScript for Mac httpd servers. Also some of this cgis have been ported to VMS. . UNIX CGIs . Guestbook ...

Software Archive And Pointers
This page contains accessable software, and links to other software sites. . The Parse CGI OSAX 1.2 [Download the package..17K] [On-line documentation] . This AppleScript extension (OSAX) does all the necessary CGI argument decoding, parsing, ...

Apple Directions Aug 95 - Strategy: 1999 . Subscribe Through APDA . Strategy: 1999 . By Gregg Williams, Apple Directions staff . Part Two: What You Should Do--Now . In last month's article, I talked about the evolution of the Mac OS ...

Enhanced for Netscape 1.1 . "You may be wondering why I've asked you all here tonight" . I always have trouble trying to "introduce" these I'm going to stop trying. . Here's some neat links and some of my work. Enjoy...or ...

Textbridge, Ocr For Macintosh
TextBridge brings full featured optical character recognition (OCR) to Macintosh systems. Easily. Economically. Complete integration with Mac technology lets you use TextBridge for effortless management of paper documents as well as electronic ...

Third Stream Computing Cs235 Home Page
Computer Application Development Class Room (CS235) . CS235 Discussion Forum . Course Materials . Memory Considerations When Using Director . An Introduction to Writing Lingo Scripts . Creating and Using Puppet Scripts . ...

, v 1.5b3 . (c)1995, Preston Holmes . The current version of this document may be found at: . . This applescript droplet will batch process PICT files into thumbnails and full size images for use in HTML ...

The momentous news this week is that Frontier, previously an expensive scripting program that's in many ways better than AppleScript, is now free. Tonya passes on advice for those writing ReadMe files, Adam muses briefly about a good use for some ...

To: Cc:
Creating aliases via AppleScript or MacPerl Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 18:02:27 +0100 From: Matthias Ulrich Neeracher Sorry, just got back from my holidays: (John D. Lewis) writes: >How do I create an alias to a program file via ...

Tools For Use With Machttp
The following is a list of tools designed to increase the functionality of MacHTTP. Some are stand-alone applications. Others are scripts or scripting extensions for use with MacHTTP's CGI interface. . AppleWebSearch - CGI application ...

Tools For Use With Webstar
The following is a list of tools designed to increase the functionality of WebSTAR. Some are stand-alone applications. Others are scripts or scripting extensions for use with the WebSTAR CGI interface. . AppleWebSearch - CGI application that ...

Web Applescript Runner
You've stumbled upon this page, and that's cool, but did you know I have two new applications which are arguably much cooler that Web AppleScript runner? That's right: Flypaper provides a link between anchors on your web pages and AppleScript ...

Web Tools And Source Code Samples
Note: some larger program archive files, which frequently fail to be completely downloaded from some sites, may now requested to be sent via e-mail . Overview . Web tools . WebSTAR and MacHTTP server tools . Other WWW service provider ...

Webmaster References
About This Server . The Salazar Library WWW server is currently running on a PowerMac 6100/60AV under system 7.1.2. It is equiped with a 250 Megabyte hard disk and 16 Megabytes of RAM. It is connected to the campus LAN with 10bT. The campus ...

Webstar Technical Reference
WebSTAR (formerly MacHTTP) Technical Reference . Welcome to WebSTAR by StarNine(r), the ultimate World Wide Web server. Formerly known as MacHTTP, WebSTAR is the most widely used commercial Web server software on the Internet today. This ...

What's Ming Up To?
Now on Yahoo! . If you're using Netscape 1.1N, this page will automatically reload every 5 minutes. If not, just hit 'reload' every 5 minutes or so. . An Explanation . I'm using an AppleScript written by Anthony Sciola (with help from ...

What's New
New Programs . About the Program Index . Click on the program name to read the full description. . Many of the programs are compatible with multiple authoring environments. For a complete list of compatible ...

Www Scripting
This chapter outlines and demonstrates the fundamental concepts behind common gateway interface (CGI) scripting with MacHTTP and AppleScript. . The real potential of Web servers lies in their ability to run programs behind the scenes and ...


About This Web Site
About Chong-Yee . Do you really want to find out about the silly person who wrote all this? . About Chong-Yee's Web Site . Here's a surprise for you: this web site is ...

Chong-yee Khoo Website
[Home] [Previous] [Next] [CGI] [About] [Eclipse] [Art] [Bio] [Index] . Welcome to 's Web Site! . [Lottery Number Generator] . [About C-Y] [Far Out!] [Lists] [Arty Page] [Surf City] [Images] . Applescript/Frontier CGI Tour, Oligo Vital ...


About Inside Macintosh
Developer Services and Products . About New Hot FTP Servers Newsgroups Forms Feedback . Inside Macintosh . Inside Macintosh is a collection of books, organized by topic, that describe the system software of Macintosh computers. ...

Eric's Applescript Hacks & More!
Macscript Mailing List (mostly About Applescript)
- A Collection Of Resources About Applescript: Books, Articles, Commercial Tools, Etc.


FAQ - Where to Get PGP for the MacIntosh

Web Sites

from the people who make Player. A good site for all Mac scripting interests (including Frontier).

Jon Pugh's Home Page

, where you can get the latest version of Jon's Commands (handy if the AppleScript FTP site is down), and other neat stuff.

Parse Cgi Osax
"this Applescript Extension (osax) Does All The Necessary Cgi Argument Decoding, Parsing, And Searching In One Neat, Easy-to-use Package. Applescripters Can Use Our Package To Write Html Form-handling Scripts (cgis) Much More Easily Than Before. And, Because Our Extension Is Entirely Written In Comp

Web Sites Others

Formerly Martin Fenner's
, It's Now A Mirror Of The Scriptweb Site.

Heizer Software
"solution Tools For Hypercard, Applescript, Opendoc, And More!" Warning: This Site Uses Interlaced Gifs As Backgrounds On Certain Pages, Which Can Take A Long Time To Show Up Over Even Relatively Fast Connections. You May Want To Turn Off Autoloading Of Graphics Before Proceeding.

Macscript Mailing List
Using Your Web Browser. This Is Where You Can Learn About Applescript By Reading What The Finest Applescript Minds On The Planet Have To Say To Some Of The Most Clueless Applescript Newbies Around. ;-)

Prefab Software, Inc.


CGI Others

Applescript/frontier Cgi Tour
- Tour Through Some Frontier And Applescript Cgis, Dealing With Simple Image Maps, Redirection, Client-pull, Server-push, Dynamic Page Generation, Form Processing.

Cgi Applications In Applescript
Cgi Apps In Applescript
CGI Applications in AppleScript . WebSTAR uses Apple events to communicate with external applications. This is nice for non-programmers because it means that you can use AppleScript to write CGI applications. In the following lessons I'll walk ...

Cgi Tour - Download
[Home] [Previous] [Next] [CGI] [About] [Eclipse] [Art] [Bio] [Index] . Download CGI Source Code . Applescript/Frontier CGIs . You can download the AppleScript and some of the Frontier CGI scripts you've seen on this tour. The Applescript ...

Felipe's Applescript Cgis Examples
MacWWW - CGI Applications
Michael's Guide to CGI Programming
Web Developer's Virtual Library: CGI

The Cgi Specification

1. The Cgi Specification

1.1 Cgi Environment Variables
1.2 Command line
1.3 Standard Imput
1.4 Standard Output

The Common Gateway Interface Others

1 The Common Gateway Interface
2 How Do I Get Information From The Server?
2.1 HTML form (with the GET action)
2.3 Decoding Forms With Cgi
3 Writing Secure Cgi Scripts

Development Internet

Development Internet Others

Cyberview 3D Document Generator
Yahoo - Computers and Internet:Software:Data Forma

Internet Server Others

Building Internet Servers
Domain Info.
Domain/IP Registration

Internet Tools

Color Tools

Background Colors
A list of color names, that you can click on to see a Netscape color. There's also a link to a table showing all the colors, but its very slow.

BEACH RaT (your RGB to Hex Converter)
This form that takes the red, green, and blue RGB inputs and converts them into <body bgcolor="#0000FF">, etc.This type of background loads instantly, versus the wait required for a jpeg or gif background.

Color Code White page
Here's another guide to colors, grouped by main catagories, that you can try.

Color Specifier For Netscape 1.1
This has little names for each color.. click on the name, and see a full page of that color.

Colors & Hex Numbers
42 color swatches in a table. Each is a seperate gif file, so it takes a while to load.

Icons and Images for Use in HTML Documents
Netscape Non-dithering Colors
Have you ever created or scanned a great graphic to put on an HTML page, only to find out that it doesn't look nearly as good when you look at it using Netscape as a browser...because of a lot of dithering? Here's why!

RGB Hex Triplet Color Chart
There's one great gif on this page, with swatches of all the non-dithering colors. Excellent tool from Doug Jacobson.

WebSoc graphics
Some icons and other graphics from Scotland.

Internet Tools Others

CU-SeeMe Welcome Page
CU-SeeMe was the first and may still be the only software available free for personal computers (Macintosh and Windows) that allows desktop videoconferencing with more than one other site.

Download Helper applications from here.

Internet Web Text
Wanna be on a mailing list?

Netscape Online Handbook
Netscape Quick Tour
Online companion for Ventana's Netscape book.

Makers of the coolest Web browser around!

RealAudio Homepage
Real-time radio via the internet!

Everything you've always wanted to know about USENET Newsgroups, but were afraid to ask.

vivid studios
One of the hottest design groups around. Featured in OnLine Design, worked on Web and/or interface projects for Sony, Borland, etc. Their Web site is really hot.

Webaholics Home Page v2.1
Find yourself spending too much time on the web? Admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery.

Tech Manual Liberaly

HTML Others

A Beginner's Guide to HTML
How to Create Web Services
HTML Design Guide - Normal
HTML Fancy Stuff
HTML Getting Started
HTML Goodies
HTML Programming Resources
HTML Standards
HTML Tutorial
HTML Validation Service
Let HaL check your code to see if it conforms to HMTL Level 2, 3, or Mozilla.

HTML Writers Guild
The focus of the The HTML Writers Guild is on the the World Wide Web publishing process as controlled by the HTML markup language.

HyperText Markup Language Specification 3.0
Mosaic, HTML, and WWW Info
revised HTML documentation
The Color Specifier For Netscape 1.1
The Web Developer's Virtual Library
The World Wide Web Initiative: The Project
WWW & HTML Developer's JumpStation
WWW Development
Yahoo - HTML
Yale WWW Style Manual

Tech Manual Liberaly Others

BAX - Background Generator
Daniel Prust has this cool thing to generate backgrounds. Its interactive. Try it, if your browser supports backgrounds. Way cool.

Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet - Table of Conte
Provides all sorts of information, stats and rumors about Web Browsers. A super good thing - has some real uses.

CGI for Extending WebSTAR (Macintosh)
This site will teach basic CGI for Macintosh WebSTAR sites. The CGI information may be useful for those working on other platforms as well.

Dan's Guide to Publishing Product Info on the Web
Daniel's Icon Archive
Can't draw? Need icons? NASA's Daniel McCoy comes to the rescue!

How to Create Web Services
Netscape's own guide to building WWW pages.

Iain's Homepage (Backgrounds)
Iain Anderson may not play the flute, but he offers his backgrounds for all of our use. What a guy.

Internet Resources on the Web
The complete book, right there on the web!

Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh
Learning to Publish
Making Your Mark on the WWW
Matterform Media
A WWW design service, including QBullets, a snappy-looking set of tiny icons meant to clarify what each of your links do.

NetMind Free Services Home Page
To be included on this page, a free service must do more than provide on-line information; it must perform a customized service for the user.

Netscape Api For The Macintosh
Netscape Backgrounds
A good place to begin learning about backgrounds.

Teaching A New Dog Old Tricks
Tips For Web Spinners
From the world-famous creator of Bobaworld! Follow these tips, and you'll go far.

WebEdge II: Mac WWW Dev Conference
WebEdge II is bringing together the best WebMasters and WebDevelopers for classes, panels and hands-on demonstrations of Macintosh World Wide Web technologies.

WebMasters in NY
New York, Ny Usa

Gen Art
Çwork With Most Graphics And Page Layout Applications
New York, Ny Usa
Booked Solid!

Turnstyle: Scott Matthews


Extending WebSTAR

Extending Webstar
So, you've got your server installed and running, and that was exciting. You sat for hours watching addresses from around the world pop up on your log window and perhaps one of them even wrote back to thank you for the excellent information on ...

Extending Webstar And Liststar Page
Extending WebSTAR and ListSTAR . WebSTAR Related . HTML Editors and Filters . Graphic Tools . Clickable Maps . Search Tools . Scripting . AppleScripting Extensions (OSAX) . Maintenance Tools . ListSTAR Related . ListSTAR Scripts . ...

Required Software

Webstar Others

Apple-Internet-Providers mailing list
Internet Servers for Mac OS
MacHTTP FAQ Documentation
Macintosh Internet Server Software
Search WebSTAR Digests
The WebFORCE North American Tour
Web 66: Cookbook
WebSTAR Site Index
WebSTAR Utilities


Desktop Publishing/Printing GS Home Page
Directory of /pub/images
DTP Internet Jumplist
DTP Site
Graphic & Sound Archive
Graphics Tips & Tricks
Kinko's Graphics Goleta
My Hotlist of GIF FTP Sites
oga Computer Graphics
OneStop Desktop Home Page
PrePRESS Main Street
Sandra's Clip Art Server


Directory of /pub/images
My Hotlist of GIF FTP Sites


HTML Tools

BBEdit HTML extensions
HTML Editor
HTML Markdown
HTML SuperText
HTML WebWeaver
MacHTTP/WebSTAR Home Page
Nisus HTML Macros
Quark to HTML
Simple HTML Editor
for WWW providers



Bellcore ISDN Home Page
This page is mostly acollection of pointers to WWW and FTP documents on other servers.

NYNEX home ISDN for Internet access FAQ

Software Pages

Gopher Applications


Macintosh Internet Software Resources For The Www

Acrobat Exchange
Cross platform file transfer, from Adobe

FTP mega-search at it's finest

BBEdit Lite
Excellent HTML writer as well as text editor

Provides videoconferencing over the Internet

Keeps the nasties out of your computer

For all your e-mail needs

Sort of like an electronic Rover

Be careful where you point it

A newcomer in IRC, many great features

Fast, reliable and efficient

Internet Config
Simple way to set all your prefs for all applications

90's version of ViewMaster

Tell me about...

Check out the latest in Meterology

The only thing missing is the popcorn

NCSA Telenet
Basic access, simple interface

The standard in Web Browsing

Premier usenet news program

RealAudio Player
Add tunes to your Macintosh

Essential for playing sounds

Simple yet excellent IRC

Allows Binary extractions in NewsWatcher

Software Pages Others

Alpha text editor
Ambrosia Software
Andrew's MacTCP Drive-Thru
Aretha Website (public release of Fontier)
AutoShare Home Page
Binhex Info
Cross-Platform Page
CU-SeeMe Desktop Videoconferencing
DiskTracker Home Page
Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh
John Norstad's Programs
JPEGView Home Page
Kai's Power Tips and Tricks for Adobe Photoshop
MacGzip Home Page
MacTCP Monitor Home Page
Nuntius Page
PowerMac Connection
Qualcomm's Eudora
Robert Lentz's Macintosh: The Final Frontier
SoundApp Home Page
System's Twilight
The Ultimate Macintosh
Ultimate Software


Source Code Pages

Info-Mac Source Code archive
Mac Sources at
Umich Source Code archive

Tech-Info Others

on-line Magazine



Allen Davis & Associates - Software Jobs Home Page
Eric's AppleScript hacks & more!
IBM's PowerPC 601 Page
Macintosh Scripting Information
Mercutio MDEF
Metrowerks CodeWarrior
Motorola PowerPC Web Server
The Macintosh Cryptography Interface Project